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L'anglais par le meuble:

Sujet : L'anglais par le meuble:
par barto75 sur 8/12/2006 20:17:55

Salut les stégosaure a poils durs, j'ai un exposé sur thanksgiving a présenté lundi en anglais. Si y'a des meubles en herbes par mis vous puissent-ils m'aider à corriger mes fautes et, si possible allonger un peu mon texte. Merci d'avance!

Voilà ce que j'ai fait pour le moment (je dois parler non stop pdt 5 min, donc hésiter pas a rajouter quelques trucs)

Some English were persecuted in England so they go to America on board of the famous Mayflower. But they landed in a very hard winter and they hadn?t a lot of food, half of this pilgrims die. Neighbouring Native Americans help them, they taught them hiding, fishing and cultivating. The first official Thanksgiving was held in 1621. English colonists invited Native Americans to say them ?thank you? about the help. Document 1: This is a painting by Jean Leon Gerome Ferris. This is a representation of the first thanksgiving. You can see on the foreground Native Americans, the Wampanoags.
President Abraham Lincoln, urged by Sarah J. Hale, proclaimed Thanksgiving day a national holiday in 1863.

Now thanksgiving is still an annual one-day holiday. In United State of America, thanksgiving is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November. In USA thanksgiving is a feast as important as Christmas.

On Thanksgiving Day, families and friends usually gather for a large meal or dinner. People like this moment where there are all together around a very tasty dinner. Usually people cook a roasted turkey (document2). They also cook corns, pumpkin pie, mashed potatoes. Forty millions of turkeys are eaten during Thanksgiving Day. A tradition wants that every year the president of USA is offered a big turkey before he pronounces a speech (Document 3).

During the afternoon of Thanksgiving Day a lot of men enjoy watching a football game on TV. The National Football League usually organise a game between ?the cow-boys? of Dallas and the ?lions? of Detroit.

In most of big American cities there are parades. The most popular is The Macy?s Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York City. In this parade you can see very large balloon inflated with helium (Document 4).